
  • 30K_post_SAR_footprint

    Above: Coming down from todays rhytmic Strategic Alert Run. Fresh, sunny, clear, Northern-wind-bitten, dune, Swash, Face, Wrack-beach training. 


     Above: Melting ice painted footprint on the first floor

    Ice after training gives this great relief. It helps prevent injuries; a natural inflammation inhibitor. While the ice melts over time, the flipside of the coin is that it gives wet feet and leaves footprints all over the place. See also: Saturday_morning_midsummer_dirt_dive


    More information about inflammation here

  • Footprint_post_SAR_2

    Above: Sliding in after todays (Saturday's) 30K SAR-training. Clear, sunny, wind from North-East.

    Today the 'A' in SAR stands for 'Antertainment'. Like a Hollywood block-buster, that deals with a problem (zombies, monsters, terrorists from within the own troops, corruption, greed, fear) an injury is best treated as just that, Entertainment, a break from routine, FUN to deal with -- to be experienced as a major challenge. Training continues, while we take care of our injury (treating the effect, healing the injury and attacking the overload causing it, through improvement of the technique, eliminating the cause). My experience of today followed these steps:

    Prior to training, warming-up fase:

    1) Lokalize the exact problem-spot, characterize the injury;

    2) Analyze the cause: find the fault in technique leading to overload;

    Then, during the training, from the moment training starts -- simultaneously, as the flipsides of one coin:

    3) Improve technique;

    4) Heal the injury.

    Post training (PT) attach ice to the affected muscles and/or tendons, and refuel (water, carbohydrates, protein and fat, NO sugar and s**t like that)-- as soon as possible.


    Above:Todays PT ice-pack, as part of the final stage of training, is like the training itself: it surrounds the injury and smokes it out.Battling injury sometimes bears resemblance to the strategy of Siege Warfare: starvation until submission. it does, however, require a vulnerable mind-state to begin with -- otherwise wake-up signals and the direction to be given will get lost in confusion and mind-crap. It, thus, requires focus and awareness to come up with a strategy and to make it succeed. As said before: win the game in the mind first.

  • Footprint_SAR_3

    Above:Footprint after deserted dune-/beach-scape SAR 3. Fresh day, some wind from the South/West, with silver sun reflections -- 30K. Meeting Peer -- master-carpenter and builder of the new, still located at the geographical center of the Dune/Beach-training-route, 'Beach Inn'place -- driving his Land Rover on the beach, is always fun -- we regularly run into each other. Our talk lasted about 20 minutes while several flocks of returning birds from the South flew over and two bulldozers shovelled excess sand back into sea, to make way for the return of the summer-beach-houses.

    Todays training dedicated to [Land Rover owner] Bastiaan Houtkooper and his web-hosting company 'Zebra hosting'. In a (telecom-)world dominated by moguls and morons, Bastiaan founded, owns and operates a state of the art web-hosting company -- his costumer support and brilliance in trouble shooting is beyond comparison, rooted in deep empathy and years of experience as high-end cinematographer for commercials mainly.

    Zebra hosting website:

    Bastiaan Houtkooper's personal showreel website:

  • Introducing SAR: Strategic Alert Running

    Feeling good, creating new stories™

  • SAR_10: Threshold

    Above: SAR-10 footprint

    When we have dealt with the acuteness of the injury (cause and treatment of the injury and attention to technique) we arrive at a cross-point where we move on to start building up pressure and focus on further progression and loyal running-fun.


    SAR training on the threshold of returning to best level:


    1) Evolve Alert and creatively and efficient and technically sound

    2) Put intensity up to good level (duration, resistance and distance)

    3) Keep pressure on intensity (with Srategic use of resources)

    4) Rise frequency (shorten rest-period, see 1)

    5) Put intensity up (increase duration, resistance and distance, see 1)

    6) Balance intensity and frequency into best level (and SAR on!)


    More here:


  • SAR_11_dirt_dive

    Above: 30K SAR footprint

    "Get in...get it over with...then get out" 

    'The Ballad of Cable Hogue'(1970) -- directed by Sam Peckinpah 

    As suggested in the previous post, best level is achieved when intensity and frequency are balanced.

    Balanced frequency and intensity lead to progression and growth and fun.


    See also:


  • SAR_4

    Above: Footprint after today's completion of 32K-lunch-time-SAR 4. Todays weather was the experience of theCreation of the Heavens and the Earth within roughly 2 hours30. Start under fully-clouded-sky with rain. First step on the beach at sun-break: clear blue sky, fresh wind from South/West,deep-tide.Next: partly cloudy with silver sun reflections, then sky opened again to end the training and the day inFriday sunshine.

    There is an excellent study to be found on the SSI Website (Strategic Studies Institute). From the booklet 'Forging an American Grand Strategy: Securing a Path Through a Complex Future Selected Presentations From a Symposium at the National Defense University' (pag.80): "... Our greatest problems are not political; they are biological. Specifically [...] that science and anthropology converge to prove that the human brain has not evolved to keep up with human progress. Complexity has outpaced the brain’s ability to process it. This causes it to hit [...] a cognitive threshold, defined as the difference between the slow speed at which the human brain can evolve and the rapid rate at which complexity grows".

    There is more interesting stuff to be found in the book; such as the case around a questionnaire that asked people in many different disciplines across the sciences, engineering, arts, futurists and other fields too numerous to mention about their projections of the future.From page 103: "...the possibility of a technological singularity by 2060 is noted, when robots will be smarter than human beings..."

    Read te paper here:

  • SAR_5

    Above: After todays SAR-training. Fresh, clear-view, sunny, deep-tide, gentle wind.

    In KNMI (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute) language: 


    METAR EHAM 251655Z 04013KT CAVOK 09/00 Q1011 NOSIG=
     See more:

  • SAR_6

    AboveFootprint after 32K SAR-training. Clear-, refreshing-, sunny-, with playful-tide-, friendly wind and general-summer-atmosphere on beach and in dunes.

  • SAR_7_clear_pond_plunge

    Above:Footprint SAR_7: rain and sun and wind lend supportive-atmosphere to today's-training

    "Cartier Bresson has formed me a lot. I have been in Paris just to meet Cartier Bresson. I had no money, I moved to Paris, I knew the restaurants where he was going every day. I stayed outside the restaurant. Waiting. Some day I saw Cartier Bresson entering. I thought: Now I wait, he is going to eat." See: '"Go to take a reading Luciano Tovoli"' [ interview with Cinematographer Luciano Tovoli ]

  • SAR_9: Injury control = interim management

    Above: SAR_9 footprint

    "In any process of change, the complementary tendency toward stability must always be taken into account. If, for example, the manager puts all the emphasis on change [...] frequently the opposite response is provoked as an attitude of resistance. In The Law of Opposites, such opposition is creatively transcended trough the insight that, in the process of change, change as well as stability are always recursively involved. Any manager wanting to initiate change has to respect stability. If he wants to realise stability, he has to honour change."

    Dr. Michael M. Tophoff  ('Chan Buddhism: Implications of Awareness and Mindfulness-Training for Managerial Functioning')

    SAR training is Kick-Ass-training: taking-over from previous 'management' (that led to overload and injury -- usually fear driven management) and re-establish control ("Get in, get it over with and get out! ").Change requires collaboration on all levels. Trough the creation of unity the runner leads/inspires/guides/informs/balances the transformation at hand. It requires growth from egotistical overload-behaviour towards- and transformation into- an Alert-balanced runner, who emphatically and sensibly controls his behaviour. SAR training is focussed upon improvement of technique and effeciency. Trough Strategic use of available resources, including time, terrain, weather, technical-support -- and injury treatment, food and rest.

    Familiar terrain for storytellers,who are trained and experienced inhabitants of this threshold zone. The best stories take place (t)here, it provides the dramatic content -- the protagonists awakening willpower and conflict coming from ignorance -- that storytellers focus upon, record and loyally show.

    Mark Divine wrote in his Blog 'Trust Actions NOT Words continued…': "The relationship of those in a loyal bond is transformational versus transactional. Like trust, it is a two-way street, in that loyalty is earned through mutual action. Loyal teammates don’t tolerate negativity, backstabbing, or activities that harm the team. Loyalty requires that you examine and shore up your weaknesses so that you can carry your own load to support the team. Trust and loyalty, when accompanied by honor and integrity, lead to high-performing individuals and teams."

    Mark Divine's blog 'Trust Actions Not Words continued':

    Dr. Michael M. Tophoff: