Cinematographer, filmmaker, recordist, writer, artist, sea sailor, survivalist Bart van Broekhoven (Dongen, 1967 -- not on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other digital network, except this one), photographed, edited, sound-recorded, designed, conducted, wrote, produced and/or directed over 100 broadcasted TV Documentaries, Idents, Leaders, corporate films, published interviews, experimental films, installations, photographs, websites, internationally screened fiction, film documentaries, the scheduled for release coming summer 2023 book 'El Dorado' about the life and times of a happily retired Dutch MDMA dealer and more.
"To name the people, teachers, writers, filmmakers, painters, musicians, places, animals and technology that inspire me would require a website in its own right. Therefore briefly summorizing the sources of inspiration by mentioning my parents, family, friends, the work and writings of Sigmund Freud, Melanie Klein, W.R.D. Fairbairn, Bert Hellinger and Hanna Segal, Van Morrison's studio album 'Astral Weeks', the Andes, Himalayas, Sahara, Wadden- and North Sea, gulls and the Sennheiser 416. With some rare exceptions I shy away from publishing film- and video works on-line, being expressions designed for collective experience, projected on a screen or the wall, lounce-bound, with an audience flocked together."* Soundtechnician (Ret.) with 101 MID Cie (The 101 Royal Netherlands Army Intelligence Company - POW school/SERE/"Ondervragers")
* Amsterdam School of the Arts/Netherlands Film and TV Academy documentary-filmmaking/production/film-editing graduate (class of 1994, with black & white 16mm-film 'Somnia a Deo Missa', inspired by writings of C.G. Jung -- unavailable on-line, broadcasted twice on Dutch National TV, screened at the Munich International Festival of Film Schools, included in The National Archives of the Netherlands, a.o.)
* Former Netherlands Society of Cinematographers webcrew/boardmember
* Creator of I Remember the Future (with and about actor Rutger Hauer), Used Story Store, Met het oog en het hart (documentary film portrait and exhibition audiotour for and about Waddenpainter Geurt Busser), El Dorado (character study based upon the real life story of Peter de Bie)
* Owner/shipper of the OPHP 8 off-the-grid Apache Sailing Catamaran. Royal Yachting Association (RYA) certified GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator. All content on this website, including the images, unless specified otherwise, is owned by Bart van Broekhoven. All rights reserved. Citing, copying, reprinting in any form without permission is prohibited.