Dr. Michael M. Tophoff

  • Action

    Kennemer Dunes 360° today. Preparation [ depth, focus, trust, unity ]

    Min/max temperature: 4°C/15°C; humidity: 72%; precipitation: 0 mm; sea level pressure: 1018 hPa; wind from ESE 4.9 km/h; visibility: 24.0 kilometres; Clouds: Overcast 4500m.

    "[ LM: ] Do you think the formula for a good picture is preparation?
    [ Hall: ] Yes, I think it definitely is. All the ones that look unprepared were usually prepared the hell out. It's very difficult to get an "unprepared" picture that works by going unprepared."

    Conrad Hall as quoted by Leonard Maltin in 'The Art of the Cinematographer, A Survey and Interviews with Five Masters', page 126, first published in 1971 by Dover Publications, Inc. New York 

    "A […] sculptor looks into a quarry for lump of marble. He selects a particular specimen because what he wants to sculp is […] 'already inside'. It only has to be freed. In [ Taoism ], the metaphor of the 'Uncarved Block' is used […] to denote the True or Original nature. In this state, nothing has yet been done to manipulate, change or improve the block; 'it' is already present. This means that whatever is done to it will only result in a blurring of the original, leading us away from what is also called 'The Source'. […] Charlotte Selver[…] writes: "The sensations from within are like stars, which only appear when the artificial lights are turned off. When there is quiet enough, they can be very precise." [ It ] is not to be identified with physical stillness. Selver's 'artificial lights' don't necessarily connote external stimuli. [The ] readiness manifests itself in clinging neither to silence nor turmoil; it can be present, so to speak, in the midst of battle. It is a prerequisite for timing, and thus, in The Way of the Samurai, for winning. […] According to Selver […] as soon as more readiness, more openness for what is happening develops, we find that the first thing in which we can recognise this increased openness is our breathing. […] "When the heart is touched, when the inner is touched, when we really allow something to -- as we say so nicely -- touch us, then something in ourselves opens, becomes awake and interested, and simply makes us breathe. We don't make ourselves do it. It makes itself felt." A person's liveness is directly proportional to the degree to which the person is awake, alert and connected to the environment."

    Michael M. Tophoff in 'Chan Buddhism: Implications of Awareness and Mindfulness-training for Managerial Functioning', page 27, 28 203, 204, 205, 209, first published in 2003 by Michael M. Tophoff, The Netherlands

    "Michelangelo once remarked that one test of good sculpture was roll it downhill, and whatever broke off would be nonessential."

    Nathaniel Kaz in 'The Art of the Artist', page 172, first published in 1951 by Crown Publishers, Inc., New York

    "For whether we are content with our illusions or frightened by them, we are equally possesed by them, and hence the non-attachment of Buddhism and Taoism means not running away from life but running with it, for freedom comes trough complete acceptance of reality. Those who wish to keep their illusions do not move at all; those who fear them run backwards into greater illusions, while those who conquer them, 'Walk on' […] 'Walk on!' for we can only understand life by keeping pace with it, by a complete affirmation and acceptance of its magic-like transformations and unending changes. By this acceptance the Zen disciple is filled with […] wonder, for everything is perpetually becoming new. The beginning of the universe is now, for all things are at this moment being created, and the end of the universes is now, for all things are at this moment passing away."

    Alan W. Watts as quoted by Yasuo Kuniyoshi in 'The Art of the Artist', page 97, 98, first published in 1951 by Crown Publishers, Inc., New York

  • SAR_9: Injury control = interim management

    Above: SAR_9 footprint

    "In any process of change, the complementary tendency toward stability must always be taken into account. If, for example, the manager puts all the emphasis on change [...] frequently the opposite response is provoked as an attitude of resistance. In The Law of Opposites, such opposition is creatively transcended trough the insight that, in the process of change, change as well as stability are always recursively involved. Any manager wanting to initiate change has to respect stability. If he wants to realise stability, he has to honour change."

    Dr. Michael M. Tophoff  ('Chan Buddhism: Implications of Awareness and Mindfulness-Training for Managerial Functioning')

    SAR training is Kick-Ass-training: taking-over from previous 'management' (that led to overload and injury -- usually fear driven management) and re-establish control ("Get in, get it over with and get out! ").Change requires collaboration on all levels. Trough the creation of unity the runner leads/inspires/guides/informs/balances the transformation at hand. It requires growth from egotistical overload-behaviour towards- and transformation into- an Alert-balanced runner, who emphatically and sensibly controls his behaviour. SAR training is focussed upon improvement of technique and effeciency. Trough Strategic use of available resources, including time, terrain, weather, technical-support -- and injury treatment, food and rest.

    Familiar terrain for storytellers,who are trained and experienced inhabitants of this threshold zone. The best stories take place (t)here, it provides the dramatic content -- the protagonists awakening willpower and conflict coming from ignorance -- that storytellers focus upon, record and loyally show.

    Mark Divine wrote in his Blog 'Trust Actions NOT Words continued…': "The relationship of those in a loyal bond is transformational versus transactional. Like trust, it is a two-way street, in that loyalty is earned through mutual action. Loyal teammates don’t tolerate negativity, backstabbing, or activities that harm the team. Loyalty requires that you examine and shore up your weaknesses so that you can carry your own load to support the team. Trust and loyalty, when accompanied by honor and integrity, lead to high-performing individuals and teams."

    Mark Divine's blog 'Trust Actions Not Words continued': http://www.sealfit.com/blog/marks-blog-trust-actions-words-continued/

    Dr. Michael M. Tophoff: http://www.tophoff.nl/en/

  • Wuwei

    Above: Haarlem, 52° 24' 3.7656'' North and 4° 38' 22.7148'' East, today.

    "So it is said, he who practices the Way does less every day, does less and goes on doing less, until he reaches the point where he does nothing, and yet there is nothing which is not done. [...] Wuwei does not produce by effort or force but accomplishes trough allowing what wants to happen." (1)

    "[ Wuwei ] is [...] a course of action [ free from ] any purposeful motive, gain or striving [ it is ] 'inaction'. Zhuang Zi himself [...] repeatedly cautions against a misconception of wuwei. When people hear about wuwei, he says, some think that "laying down is better than walking". They have missed the point completely [...]" (2)

    "One must be able to let things happen. I have learned from the East what it means by the phrase "Wu-wei": namely, not-doing, letting be, which is quite different from doing nothing. Some Occidentals, also, have known what this not-doing means; for instance, Meister Eckhart, who speaks of "sich lassen," to let oneself be. [ W ] ait for what the unconsciousness has to say about the situation [...] A way is only the way when one finds it and follows it oneself." (3)

    "Laziness of which a man is conscious and laziness of which he is unconscious, are a thousand miles apart." (4)

    "When you are learning something the universe keeps giving you opportunities [ for practice] [ Mark Divine: Every emotion has a corresponding breathing pattern, right? ] The breathing wants to click into this pattern; [ so ] why don't we just use this breathing pattern and see if it triggers the transformation? And voilà, the technique was invented! You don't need a psychotherapist or psychiatrist or some expert. We try to keep the process simple […] just stay with the breathing, keep relaxing until it [ the transformation, healing ] resolves itself." (5)

    "I’m lazy in principle" (6)

    Above:picture of Anne Frank, dated 10 October 1942, reads: "Dit is een foto zoals ik me zou wensen, altijd zo te zijn. Dan had ik nog wel een kans om naar Hol[l]ywood te komen. Anne Frank 10 Oct. 1942" (This is a photo as I would wish myself to look all the time. Then I would maybe have a chance to get to Hollywood). Learn about Anne Frank: http://www.annefrank.org/en/Anne-Frank/

    Above: Haarlem, today. Clicking on Image will start sound: Dutch Anthem performed and recorded by The United States Navy Band. 

    General Dwight D. Eisenhouwer's Proclammation: "Proclamatie. Nederlanders: De dag der bevrijding is aangebroken. Er ligt een lange harde weg achter u en ons. Tot nu toe hebben wij gescheiden van elkaar de strijd gevoerd Gij op uw wijze wij op de onze tezamen met onze heldhaftige Russische bondgenooten aan het Oostfront. […] Nu kunnen wij met Gods hulp gezamenlijk den vijand uit Uw land verdrijven en de eindoverwinning behalen. Onze soldaten zijn daartoe de Uwe en de Uwe zijn de onze." (Proclamation. To the people of The Netherlands: The day of liberation is close. There is a long, tough way behind you and us. Until now we have fought separately. You doing it your way and we on ours with our heroic Russian Allies on the Eastern front. […] With God's help we will join forces to defeat the enemy from your country and claim victory. Our soldiers will serve you, as yours will serve us.")

    Above: Haarlem, May 4 (Remembrance Day), 2000 Hours.

    See Original 1945 affiche: http://www.geheugenvannederland.nl/?/nl/items/NIOD01:48348

    The United States Navy Band: http://www.navyband.navy.mil/national_anthems.shtml


    (1) Zhuang  Zi, quoted by Michael M. Tophoff on page 31 in 'Chan Buddhism: Implications of Awereness and Mindfulness-Training for Managerial Functioning', published in 2003

    (2) Ibid, page 31 

    (3) C.G. Jung quoted by M. Esther Harding on page 44 of 'Psychic Energy', first published in 1947

    (4) Ibid, page 45

    (5) Dan Brulé, Unbeatable Mind Podcast with Mark Divine: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/unbeatable-mind-podcast-mark/id955637330

    (6) From a conversation with Director of Photography Robby Müller: here (in English: here)