
  • SAR_sarsential™_toolbox_6/14

    Above: PGIA¹ SAR² 30 KMS BLMTT³. Sarsential 6: website-based-workflow [ i.e.: resourceful environment] for PGIA-application. 

    From first SAR-injury-control-narrative, posted on this website, earlier this year:

    (1, March 13 2014 16:20) Ice after training gives this great relief. It helps prevent injuries; a natural inflammation inhibitor. While the ice melts over time, the flipside of the coin is that it gives wet feet and leaves footprints all over the place:

    (2, March 15 2014 17:21) Today the 'A' in SAR stands for 'Antertainment'. Like a Hollywood block-buster, that deals with a problem (zombies, monsters, terrorists from within the own troops, corruption, greed, fear) an injury is best treated as just that, Entertainment, a break from routine, FUN to deal with -- to be experienced as a major challenge. Training continues, while we take care of our injury (treating the effect, healing the injury and attacking the overload causing it, through improvement of the technique, eliminating the cause). My experience of today followed these steps:

    (3, Tuesday, March 18 2014 17:14) Todays training dedicated to Bastiaan Houtkooper and his web-hosting company 'Zebra hosting'. In a (telecom-)world dominated by moguls and morons, Bastiaan founded, owns and operates a state of the art web-hosting company -- his costumer support and brilliance in trouble shooting is beyond comparison, rooted in deep empathy and years of experience as high-end cinematographer for commercials mainly:

    (4, March 21 2014 17:56) There is an excellent study to be found on the SSI Website (Strategic Studies Institute). From the booklet 'Forging an American Grand Strategy: Securing a Path Through a Complex Future Selected Presentations From a Symposium at the National Defense University' (pag.80): "... Our greatest problems are not political; they are biological. Specifically [...] that science and anthropology converge to prove that the human brain has not evolved to keep up with human progress. Complexity has outpaced the brain’s ability to process it. This causes it to hit [...] a cognitive threshold, defined as the difference between the slow speed at which the human brain can evolve and the rapid rate at which complexity grows":

    (5, March 25 2014 17:16) ZCZCSA251655 EHAM AMSTERDAM/SCHIPHOL NLD -3 m.:

    (6, Saturday, March 29 2014 18:18) Footprint after 32K SAR-training:

    (7, Tuesday, April 08 2014 15:05) Footprint SAR_7: rain and sun and wind lend supportive-atmosphere to today's-training:

    (8, Sunday, April 13 2014 13:41)

    (9, Wednesday, April 16 2014 16:04) SAR_9 footprint [ … ] SAR training is Kick-Ass-training: taking-over from previous 'management' (that led to overload and injury -- usually fear driven management) and re-establish control ("Get in, get it over with and get out! "). Change requires collaboration on all levels. Trough the creation of unity the runner leads/inspires/guides/informs/balances the transformation at hand. It requires growth from egotistical overload-behaviour towards- and transformation into- an Alert-balanced runner, who emphatically and sensibly controls his behaviour. SAR training is focussed upon improvement of technique and efficiency. Trough Strategic use of available resources, including time, terrain, weather, technical-support -- and injury treatment, food and rest:

    (10, Saturday, April 19 2014 14:20) When we have dealt with the acuteness of the injury (cause and treatment of the injury and attention to technique) we arrive at a cross-point where we move on to start building up pressure and focus on further progression and loyal running-fun. SAR training on the threshold of returning to best level:

    (11, Tuesday, April 22 2014 16:42) [B]est level is achieved when intensity and frequency are balanced. Balanced frequency and intensity lead to progression and growth and fun:

    (12, Thursday, April 24 2014 14:42) "All good things come in fourteen's" - Anonymous:

    (13, Saturday, April 26 2014 13:50) "Discipline is the spark that ignites the fire of a habit." - Mark Divine:

    (14, Tuesday, April 29 2014 15:40) Footprint after completion 32K SAR14 [ … ] Change requires collaboration on all levels. Trough the creation of unity the runner leads/inspires/guides/informs/balances the transformation at hand. It requires growth from egotistical overload-behaviour towards- and transformation into- an Alert-balanced runner, who emphatically and sensibly controls his behaviour:

    ¹ Photo Generated Injury Analysis

    ² Strategic Alert Running

    ³ Best Level Mixed Terrain Training