Olive Oil and the Habit of Bicycle Maintenance
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Above: Primadonna Huile D'Olive Vierge Extra [Olive Oil ] and the Habit of Bicycle Maintenance; derailleur, chain, 7 speed-cassette and '1 click up, 1 click down' thumb shifter, benefit from Olive Oil treatment, after cleaning with dry brush. The Gear-System is the crucial device in the translation of Power into Speed: "It is an illusion to believe that conflicts rooted in geography can be abolished." ¹
"If your emotional life was portrayed as a nuclear power plant, would it be described as a source of infinite, controlled, star-like power? Or a reactor that is poorly managed, prone to out-of-control, catastrophic meltdowns? [...] Just thinking about a serious problem is like brushing a light coat of paint on a leaking roof—the problem isn’t remotely solved on a structural level. I believe deep learning occurs when we intently apply both thinking and feeling. Another way I like to put it is this: Emotional intelligence (EQ) is equally as important as cognitive intelligence (IQ). If you have one without the other then you are incomplete and will not “grow” in the developmental sense into your full potential. [U]understand how to embrace obstacles and turn them into opportunities, simultaneously experiencing the full range of emotions that the experience evokes. Rather than a life exclusively lived in the thin vapor of the intellect, experiencing life both with thought and feeling will allow you to access a vital dimensionality in the important things of life. Your emotions, or lack thereof, will no longer block the path toward success and happiness!"
Mark Divine in "SEALFIT BLOG: EARN YOUR BLACK BELT IN EMOTIONAL POWER, THE FOUR KEY STEPS", published last Saturday on: http://sealfit.com/sealfit-blog/earn-your-black-belt-in-emotional-power-the-four-key-steps/
"Christians and Muslims have been bitter enemies, battling for control of Iberia. Yet, lest we forget, they also have been allies: In the 16th century, Ottoman Turkey and Venice allied to control the Mediterranean. No single phrase can summarize the relationship between the two save perhaps this: It is rare that two religions might be so obsessed with each other and at the same time so ambivalent. This is an explosive mixture. […] The Europeans' appetite for cheap labor and the Muslims' appetite for work combined to generate a massive movement of populations. […] Given the economic status of immigrants the world over, the inevitable exclusion that is perhaps unintentionally incorporated in multiculturalism and the desire of like to live with like, the Muslims found themselves living in extraordinarily crowded and squalid conditions. All around Paris there are high-rise apartment buildings housing and separating Muslims from the French, who live elsewhere. […] Europe's sense of nation is rooted in shared history, language, ethnicity and yes, in Christianity or its heir, secularism. Europe has no concept of the nation except for these things, and Muslims share in none of them. […] The Mediterranean borderland was a place of conflict well before Christianity and Islam existed. It will remain a place of conflict even if both lose their vigorous love of their own beliefs. It is an illusion to believe that conflicts rooted in geography can be abolished."
George Friedman in "Geoplolitical Weekly: A War Between Two Worlds" published today on http://www.stratfor.com/weekly/war-between-two-worlds#axzz3OhxCJkAs
"The creation of any modern nation state is characterised by the elaboration of an official history, a legendary narrative produced for purposes of unification, an ideological construct that glorifies a more or less imaginary ethnic group and encourages the rejection of any kind of otherness, regarded as inferior, indeed contemptible.": http://bartvanbroekhoven.com/en-US/running/143-sar-sarsential-17-center-of-gravity
See also: Sarsential 24: take the long way home [ motivation, heartbeat ]: http://bartvanbroekhoven.com/en-US/running/163-sar-sarsential-24
¹ George Friedman today in "Geoplolitical Weekly: A War Between Two Worlds": http://www.stratfor.com/weekly/war-between-two-worlds#axzz3OhxCJkAs