In the name of the Father, and of the Zone, and of the Holy Spirit
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If there is one climax to the whole bunch of training-sessions reported on this website over the past few years, it will be that at the Core of all anabolic¹ action there is balance; unity of time (conquered from passivity) and space -- the Zone.
Balance. Raising the bar, pushing the limits, though not violating them (which leads to exhaustion). From the bottom up: act, grow, energize. Respect and enjoy rest and recovery - trough meditation, breathing, sleep and balanced food intake (don't vegetate by sinking deep into the comfort-zone into catabolic² behaviour on an overdose of entertainment and snacks³). Out of the Zone = out of balance.
"An artist who feels that he is driven into creating by an external deprivation and who is then again obstructed by a longing for life can rise above these conflicts to a renunciant view of life which recognizes that it is not only impossible but perilous to live out life to the full and can, willingly and affirmatively, accept limitations that appear in the form of moral conventions and artistic standards, not merely as such, but as protective measures against premature and complete exhaustion of the individual. [I]n the end his creativity [...] is freed from the need to justify one or other mode of life -- in other words, from the need for compensation." Otto Rank on page 417 of 'Art and Artist', first published in 1932 by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
¹ I.e.: life-enhancing. See: 'Power vs Force' by David R. Hawkins
² I.e.: life-consuming. Ibid.
³ No news, TV and all that is not a bad idea at all. In fact it is a very good idea. It provides time and frees the mind of negative, fear based crap! Time to be given to training. Training in the Zone is done for the creation of unity, for the benefit of mankind. To merely consume the world trough the eyes of journalism and advertising is a waste of health mostly (an apology generator!) Trough training we develop looking at the world trough our own eyes. That is the real victory!