Flow on demand
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Kennemer Dunes, today. Flow [ on command ]
Min/max temperature: 3°C/10°C; humidity: 72%; precipitation: 0 mm; sea level pressure: 996 hPa; wind SW 25.7 km/h; visibility: 10.0 kilometres; Clouds: Few 701 m., Scattered Clouds 822 m., Mostly Cloudy 1341 m.
"The biomechanics of the foot is a complex subject. […] Unique characteristics are making it possible that the foot, when in need, is rigid, by adjusting the 26 bones into one unity, or, when in need, contrary to that into total flexibility, such as when climbing barefoot. Between these extremities the mobility of the feet is found during walking. The necessity for variation of the activities of the foot-structure comes from the fact that the surfaces we stand and move on differ substantially. From soft and slippery to hard and rough. […] In the western world the foot is more often than not dressed with a semi-regid shell, the shoe. Simply trough these circumstances certain conditions are available for the development of deviations. […] The foot is being formed during the development of the leg during the eighth week of pregnancy. After birth, growth, both with boys and girls, goes slow. There are two main periods with a clearly visible growth spurt, in the first two years and during puperty. On average a girl at the age of 1 and boys with the age of 18 months have feet half the size of adults. […] The relatively large size of the feet is important to provide a broad base on which the body rests. At times this is a compensation for lack of muscle-power and coordination of the child. […] The movement of the separate joints in the foot are rather difficult to describe, because the foot from time to time functions as one whole entity and on other moments is very flexible to adjust to different surfaces, both during standing as during movement. In particular are the possibilities demonstrated of the normal foot as a limb able to grab things, trough people without arms. These people dress their selves, eat, even write with their feet and toes. […] The reality of the saddening number of foot abnormalities and the numerous painful and perspiring feet, show that shoes oftentimes exercice harmful effects upon the feet. Uninjured feet usually are found only with young children and barefoot walking peoples."
Victor H. Frankel, Margraeta Noridn, Chris J. Snijders in 'Basic Biomechanics of the Skeletal System', page 110, 325, first published in 1980 by Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia
"Leadership […] means winning the hearts and minds of others to achieve a common purpose. […] There is a Dutch phrase that reads: A fish starts to stink first at the head. If the leadership at the top of the organisation is not performing up to scratch, then one cannot expect the rest of the organisation to perform well. Leading by example and charisma are of vital importance. This means that the person [ who leads ] takes responsibility especially at moments of confusion and doubt. [ He ] should praise loudly and reprimand softly. A pat on the back or a word of appreciation is extremely important for the confidence […] I once read a phrase of a wise man that said: A good carriage driver never lashes his whip. This wise man did not mean to imply that the carriage driver should not use his whip, but that he should manage his carriage in such a way that it was not necessary to use it. […] Job satisfaction is extremely important for people in any organisation in order to gain the best results. One can achieve that by creating the circumstances in which people can use their talents, their initiatives. They should feel […] respected […] in the organisation. If the people in the unit feel happy, i.e. have high morale, the performance of a unit will be first rate. That also helps to alleviate stress. […] Management of stress must start during preparations [...] A number of factors are to be considered [ , 1 ] realistic training [ ; 2 ] unit cohesion [ ; 3 ] good communication [ ; 4 ] to expect the unexpected. [ ; 5 ] time out. When a unit works hard […] it is necessary to give [ them ] a break from their stressful environment [ by ] providing an opportunity for rest and recuperation. […] I have learnt from the mistakes I made during my commands. Those lessons appeared to be very useful during the peace support operations in which I participated. The responsibilities of a commander are enormous. It is a lonely job. He cannot delegate responsibility. He can only delegate some powers. But he does not have to feel lonely when he puts his trust and his confidence in his subordinates. Make time for the people that are entrusted to your care and you will not be disappointed."
P.C. Cammaert, in 'NL Arms', page 31, 33, 37, 38, 39, first published in 1997 by RNMA, Breda
"Bolstered by mortar and artillery fire, the troopers, outnumbered sometimes five to one, fought all trough the morning to clear the zones. In the wild, chaotic fighting that ensued over a period of four hours on the zones, one of the most beloved officers in the 82nd, the heavyweight champion of the division, Captain Anthony Stefanich, was killed. "We've come a long way together," he told his men. "Tell the boys to do a good job." Then he died."
Cornelius Ryan in 'A Bridge Too Far', page 363, first published in 1974 by Simon and Schuster, New York