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"Both extrinsic as intrinsic muscles control the foot. In the calf the m.gastrocnemius and the m. soleus, who form the achilles tendon, the strongest plantar fexor of the ankle. The subtalar joint has a transfer function; it is rather rigid and transfers the power directly to the talus and foot. The m. peroneus longus produces a high degree of downward pressure from the first metatarsal bone and controls the fine movement of the large toe.[…] The m. flexor hallucis longus and m. flexor digitorum control the bending of the toes during movement and are strong. The muscles that slow down the foot when it touches the ground are the m. tibialis anterior and the m. extensor hallucis longus and brevis. This delay prevents the foot to come down with a blow when making heel contact."
Victor H. Frankel, Margraeta Noridn, Chris J. Snijders in 'Basic Biomechanics of the Skeletal System', page 218, 219, first published in 1980 by Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia