Lucid dreaming
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Kennemer dunes 360° today. Catch [ the edge ]
Min/max temperature: 4°C/12°C; humidity: 55%; precipitation: 0 mm; sea level pressure: 1028.33 hPa; wind: SSE 22.0 km/h; visibility: 10.0 kilometres; Clouds: Few 426 m.
"Lucid dreams are also symbolic -- yet in quite a different way […] Their symbolism takes the form of beautiful landscapes -- different luminous phenomena, sunlight, clouds, and especially a deep blue sky. In a perfect instance of the lucid dream I float through immensely wide landscapes, with a clear blue, sunny sky, and a feeling of deep bliss and gratitude, which I feel impelled to express by eloquent words of thankfulness and piety. Sometimes these words seem to me a little rhetorical, but I cannot help it, as it is very difficult in dreams to control emotional impulses. Sometimes I conceive of what appears as a symbol, warning, consoling, approving. A cloud gathers or the light brightens. Only once could I see the disc of the sun […] I awoke fresh and cheerful, better in spirits than I had been for a long time."
Frederik van Eeden in the first extensive English-language scientific report on lucid dreams 'A Study of Dreams', published in the 'Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research', Volume 26, 1913
"[T]here is the story of the great Taoist master Chuang Tzu who once dreamt that he was a butterfly fluttering around. In his dream, the idea that he was a person was alien to him: he was only a butterfly. Suddenly, he awoke and found himself lying there, a person once again. But then Chuang Tzu thought to himself, "Was I before a man who dreamt about being a butterfly, or am I now a butterfly who dreams about being a man?"
Manfred Kets de Vries in 'The Hedgehog Effect', page 53, first published in 2011 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd., United Kingdom
"In whatever the domain, the movements of a good, accomplished practitioner do not appear fast. For example, there are messengers who cover forty or fifty leagùes at the run in a single day, but they do not run fast from morning till night. Whereas, a beginner cannot cover such a long distance, even if he has the wind to run the whole day. […] Whatever the domain, the movements of an expert never appear hurried."
Miyamoto Musashi, in Kenji Tokitsu's 'Miyamoto Musashi. His Life and Writing', page 192, 193, first published in 2000 by Editions Desiris in Francepage
"[A]thletes need to gird themselves against […] contamination. Humility and gratitude seem to be the only effective shields against the onslaughts of […] exploitation. Athletes in the traditional martial arts employ specific exercises to overcome any tendency towards egotism. The dedication of one's skill, performance, or career to a higher principle provides the only absolute protection. [P]ower is characterised by grace, sensitivity, inner quit, and paradoxically, gentleness in the non-competitive lives of even fierce competitors."
David Hawkins in 'Power vs Force', page 182, first published in 1995 by Hay House UK Ltd