Above: Muiden, Januari 12th 2013
Carl von Clausewitz was a Prussian military theorist who thought of the center of gravity as a focal point, the one element within a combatant's entire structure or system that has the necessary centripetal force to hold that structure together: "The CoGs of Alexander the Great, Gustavus Adolphus, Charles XII of Sweden, and Frederick the Great, for instance, resided in their respective armies. In different circumstances, the personalities of key leaders, a state’s capital, or its network of allies and their community of interest might serve as CoGs. What all of these various elements have in common is not that they are sources of power, but that they perform a centripetal or centralizing function that holds power systems together and, in some cases, even gives them purpose and direction. Strictly speaking, an armed force is not a “source” of power. Rather, it serves as a focal point that draws and organizes power from a variety of sources: a population base (recruits); an industrial base (weapons and materiel); and an agricultural base (foodstuffs). The same holds true for the personalities of key leaders, state capitals, or alliance networks. These things draw raw power from different sources and refine, organize, and redirect it." Download and read interesting paper 'Clausewitz's Center of Gravity' here.
Above: Inside ridge west-tower, Sunset
Above: Late afternoon. Deep blue reflections over the Muiderslot. Inside the castle is a state museum. With an exit-trough-the-giftshop. Left is the west tower.