
  • SAR_sarsential™_toolbox_5/14

    Above: PGIA¹ SAR² 30 KMS BLMTT³. Sarsential 5: Awesung [ Samsung ] photocamera for finish shot. 

    "skipping off any fear, revving up and jumping out with maximum power. you glow for a short time and then retreat into the safety of darkness." - Smash 137, Basel, Switzerland, as quoted and pictured in Ruedione's book 'Blackflashes - graffity tales'.

    Sneakpeak to 'Blackflashes', with soundtrack: http://www.ruedione.com/

    Smash 137: http://www.smash137.com/

    ¹ Photo Generated Injury Analysis

    ² Strategic Alert Running

    ³ Best Level Mixed Terrain Training