
Above: FP 30K SAR BLT [ training ]. SAR [ act 2.2.1 ] : key-light.

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Above: After todays SAR-training. Fresh, clear-view, sunny, deep-tide, gentle wind.

In KNMI (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute) language: 


METAR EHAM 251655Z 04013KT CAVOK 09/00 Q1011 NOSIG=
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Flow in the Dark

Above: Flow in the Dark. Training is making the most of the least amount of time. 

"Stimulate trust. Discipline is not just doing what the boss says. Every player has to take care that his fellow team players know they can count on him. Johan Cruijff: "I am not interested in the player with the ball. I am interested in what happens at the other sides of the field, how they play there, how they take care of the execution of their tasks. The man with the ball has an easy job, but the real battle is happening at the other sides of the field, where the match is made." The key-element in discipline is trust. Johan Cruijff: "[ teamplayers] need to be able to trust upon each other." With everyone of us trust begins with family, neighbourhood, a couple of good friends. As time progresses the world enlarges. Building on that foundation, what follows is a three step ladder. It is the leaders task to see to it that fellow players will get up those stairs successfully. [...] The second step on the ladder of trust is a shift of focus towards stimulation of team-unity, with emphasis on shared operations. The third step is about Identification with other people. Leaders in their role as mentor for developing talent. Role models. Marco van Basten: "I am always curious for certain psychological aspects. How is it possible a player like me, a week later can experience such a fall-back? How is it that a footballplayer later in life knows how to keep a grip on his shape? Why is it that especially a Striker goes trough such a lot of ups and downs? Top-politicians and top-bussinespeople got to also acknowledge their lesser periods. I want to find out what is going on with these people. [trough meeting them, reading biographies, learning from them]" Johan Cruijff: 'I have been very lucky to have met many good people. [Horst Dassler] said: cognitive-intelligence is not the most important thing. He says: the most important thing is knowledge. I am sitting here in a tower with access to almost all information, than you do not make mistakes. But if you have somebody who is very intelligent but has only little information, he is off a lot worse. You do not have to be very intelligent. You need to look after having the maximum amount of knowledge, making you almost unbeatable.""

Pieter Winsemius in 'Je gaat het pas zien als je het doorhebt. Over Cruijff en leiderschap', first published in The Netherlands by Uitgeverij Balans, 2004:

Johan Cruijff:

Marco van Basten:


Above: FP SAR 28K BLT. SAR [ act 2.2.2 ] : protagonist.

"All I need to make a comedy, is a park, a policeman and a pretty girl."

Charles Chaplin, as quoted in documentary 'Charlie: the life and art of Charles Chaplin' by Richard Schickel (2003)

Learn about protagonist


Above: PGIA SAR BLMTT. Sarsential 10: 50.853452°N 0.574787°E [ anywhere ]

"I don't like to repeat. I think the beauty of this sport is that every day is different -- you have different views and different summits. The same mountain, it can change every day with snow, with rain and with different conditions."

Kilian Jornet, interviewed by Amit Katwala, for ', Issue 366, August 8 2014', found in London Bus 215

"The English peel off the unessentials of modernity very easily -- they 'go native' more readily than any Europeans except the Italians; and the more refined their upbringing the quicker the change comes about. There is no disgrace in it. On the contrary, in my opinion it shows a creditable regard for the real things in life at the expense of the artificial."

P.H. Fawcett as quoted on page 214 by Adam Ballinger in 'The Quiet Soldier', first published in Great Britain by Chapman Publishers Ltd in 1992